Saturday, December 29, 2007
I am about to go home to start organising things for making "bitter ballen" for New Year's eve and then remembered that I meant to thank also those people who messaged and rang to give their Christmas wishes. Thank you, we just love it.
Here are the pictures

21st. well ,I started the Christmas lights tradition in the village but have never won the "Best Lights". howevere, That's OK, I am just happy that we have a very well lit village every Christmas. On this night the winner is announced and the winners of the hampers are drawn. It is done very fairly, the house numbers are drawn out. We missed out but many in our street were winners, which was great. We won a hamper last year so it is being shared around very well.We had our fish & chips with the Mynsbergen family.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sorry People we have a case of the huge spaces again because the Xmas tree turned up about 10-12 times. Keep scrolling, there IS a message down below.!! Bloody computers!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007
Another dancer

Our table
At our table,Dorothy,Marjorie and Hilda

Various of Sarah and Holly, before and at the concert (thanks to Karen)

At our table,Dorothy,Marjorie and Hilda

Sarah ,it seems also did very well at her dancing concert and for those who don't look on Karen's blog, I have purloined (is that spelling correct?) one of her photos again. It is good to see the kids achieving.
We had our Xmas Dinner last Saturday and that was an achievement too because our chef Reiner, cooked beautifully and successfully for 180 people. It was a most enjoyable night.
Won at Mah Jong again this morning., not a big score but it gets a bit embarrassing at times. Wish I could teach some of the family, I would not be at all embarrassed about slaughtering them. Anyone want to take the challenge?
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Zoe with trophy

Xmas Dinner is on tonight. Most people have their lights up now so the village will be well lit. Not environmentally sound but so nice for the peace and friendships feelings at this time of the year.
Most of the other events are organised and we have had some already. The "CATS" lunch was at Nicholsons on Tuesday and was excellent. The pool is being re- furbished and it looks like the group might be forced to break up. I suggested get togethers here every quarter and that seems well received.
On Wednesday we had our Xmas get together for the Mah Jong club . Even Trevor came( though he went home early )and it was a lovely evening. The drink flowed freely and there were a lot of nibbles.Everyone was very jovial.
Busy making costumes for my angels (!!!!) for the carols in the "domain" here. The girls are angels and Riley a shepherd.That's happening on the 20th, Thursday.
Picking up strawberries for everyone on Thursdays. I pass it when I come home from Vicki's and my Vietnamese market gardener man & lady are so nice. Lovely and sweet , the product, and only $5.00 or $6.00 a kilo.
Minded Bella & Sarah last night and tonight Sarah has her dancing concert, no doubt we'll see the pics on Mum's blog. Zoe did well at her concert last week and even won the trophy for most improved at Tap, she was impressive.
Doing some cooking in preparation of having the 5 kids for tea on Thursday and some Chrissy things. Not good for the back, all this standing but what can one do??It has been pretty bad and I even did not walk this morning, which is highly unusual but then it will be a big night.
New years eve is being organised too a progressive dinner with some of the friends here and then go to the village party, should be good too.
Friday, December 07, 2007

House lights
Some of the Branch/Donnes men,Rick,Gary,Scott,Trev and Matt

Well the Xmas Season has started with a vengeance , but in a nice way , ofcourse.My lights are up, I did take a pic which I'll put on but I'll try for a better one tonight. The Xmas tree is up and lit and the parties have started. We have had 2 last week, one here, one with the Donnes family at Rick & Karen's. The latter was really great,we love to get together with the Donnes family. The other was a Scottish one and we had a lovely meal , including haggis , which was piped in and addressed correctly.
I have bought and wrapped all the pressies , just some poems to write . Those at the faily party have had their cards but all the others are still waiting to be written. The overseas cards are long gone.
This week I also went to Riley's class for a day and cooked "Kerstkransjes" with all the kids, piles of them. I gave them a Sinterklaas to colour in as well since it was Sinterklaasdag. I should have brought the camera but forgot again, ofcourse.
Next week, Lunch with the 'CATS' on Tuesday, work at our cafe on Wednesday and a Mah Jong Xmas Party in the evening. Xmas Dinner with the Social Club on the Saturday. Zoe's Dance concert on this Saturday but that is neatly in the afternoon so makes it easier. Have to miss Sarah's, as that is on our Xmas tea night next week, a shame, hope it does not clash next year.
Went to my lady doctor to get lady check ups and Vicki too. Everything Ok except for the arthritis ofcourse and she was very impressed that I had lost 9 kilos and Vicki 8. Vicki will probably have to have another cancer spot removed from the same place as last year,below her eye,on her face. She sees the specialist on Feb. 1st and if it is, he'll remove it straight away. Poor old Caitlyn suffering a lot with her allergies and yesterday was quite covered in excema.
Everyone else fine ,as far as I know, just busy trying to keep up with the functions. Kids had the Police picnic last Sunday , before the Branch/ Donnes do and enjoyed that ofcourse.Rick & Karen took them all.
Well, hope to get here before Xmas to update. I've been here for 2 1/2 hrs already,reading and answering emails and checking up the bank business(does not look so good at the moment) so must now post the photos.
Monday, November 26, 2007

Well it is on for Tupperware. I used some of Rick & Karen's stuff and was impressed. Asked Vicki if she knew of any parties. Well, as a matter of fact, her friend Rene was just starting as a demonstrator. Go to the party, buy, book a party ,buy,invite lots to get a few, get lots. Party booked for the club, buy more. Book a catalogue party to help the club (and so did Vicki). Hope that is the end of it for now for, though I really want some more, it is too hard to find the dollars to pay for it all. It is good stuff though.
Am getting into the Xmas scene. All the lights I can reach are up , my tree is decorated, pressies are wrapped and I have nearly finished makeing a pressie for all the nieces.Trev has to put the rest of the lights up and I have to buy or make some more cards. The functions are multiplying and one has already been transferred to January because my mates and I could not get a suitable date. Oh well, something to do later.
Getting hot but they are looking for rain later this week, hope so.
Liberal Government lost the election. Well, at least I won't feel guilty when the labour Govt and its Union mates wreck the economy again.
Do hope to add to this before Xmas but might as well get into the mood.
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