Well it is on for Tupperware. I used some of Rick & Karen's stuff and was impressed. Asked Vicki if she knew of any parties. Well, as a matter of fact, her friend Rene was just starting as a demonstrator. Go to the party, buy, book a party ,buy,invite lots to get a few, get lots. Party booked for the club, buy more. Book a catalogue party to help the club (and so did Vicki). Hope that is the end of it for now for, though I really want some more, it is too hard to find the dollars to pay for it all. It is good stuff though.
Am getting into the Xmas scene. All the lights I can reach are up , my tree is decorated, pressies are wrapped and I have nearly finished makeing a pressie for all the nieces.Trev has to put the rest of the lights up and I have to buy or make some more cards. The functions are multiplying and one has already been transferred to January because my mates and I could not get a suitable date. Oh well, something to do later.
Getting hot but they are looking for rain later this week, hope so.
Liberal Government lost the election. Well, at least I won't feel guilty when the labour Govt and its Union mates wreck the economy again.
Do hope to add to this before Xmas but might as well get into the mood.