Firstly the Birthdays. Yes there is my own this month and then Karen on the 19th and Caitlyn on the 30th. Cousins Jan & Adrie and Goos & Ger each have an anniversary, 45 yrs and 35 years. Hearty congratulations. It seems they are having parties,don't usually hold so much with those in between anniversaries here.On June 6th we have about 45 of the swimming girls coming here for lunch so that will be a busy day.
Should be enjoyable, though Ina & I will have to provide some additional food as well as help.Karen is in China and loving it , as we knew she would, despite the tremors. I sent her a photo of the girs with a kiss and have included another one here.
Our Football is a sad state of affairs, we keep running up the good scores and staying in front until the last quarter , then losing it. Too many losses in a row now. The photo here was at an exciting goal kicked by our captain Pavlich. The Wattle, the first in bloom along our walk. Then several of the dogs we meet ,though there are many more, we have not seen so many in the last few weeks
Mac on the boardwalk.



The beagles
The Finnish dog

A goal at Subi Oval

Girls with a kiss for Mum in China

The girls modelling when Oma was minding them all

The Finnish dog

A goal at Subi Oval

Girls with a kiss for Mum in China

The girls modelling when Oma was minding them all

Dinner at Carmel's
Some of us from the village got together at Carmel and Mal's place for a lovely casserole dinner a few weeks ago.

Poor Trevor is having a terrible time. His shingles are basically gone but the bursitis is so bad he looks like a real poor old man. We got him in for a cortisone injection on Thursday week but then Vicki suggested we try Armadale hospital and we got him in there tomorrow. He just can't wait because he needs relief so badly. He can't sleep and now is hardly able to move his right arm at all. Hope it goes well tomorrow!!!
Finally, I saw the cardiologist and I have to have some tests over 2 days nextMonday and Tuesdayweek,the 8th & 9th. That is to eliminate blockages and if I come out of that OK ,the flutters are not because of heart desease and I should not have to worry. So the news is good so far. Well, that is the update again.oh, my sister Nanny & B.I.L .Geoff are back here from CI for 6 months. Clare , je kan weer naar Nanny schrijven hoor. Any lack in quality of photos is because they were taken on phone but nevertheless, not bad for just a phone camera.