Bokkenpootjes,stroopwafel,appeltaart & Amsterdammertje

Mick & Viv

Branch table at the birthday
Mick,the footy star(on cake)

It has been wet and windy and there is more to come.Our Canning River was actually flooded, only the 2nd time I have seen that in nearly 5 years. Does not make good weather for house sales and indeed, have not sold the place yet.
Last Friday was the worst day, weather wise and there was a lot of damage in other suburbs(including Mark's place, where Nanny & Geoff are staying, they lost one side fence) but there was no damage around here. We were all inside being entertained by the Dutch singers and eating Dutch foods. Our Holland day went very well and we have had many compliments. Because I was rushing around my photos are not the best but they are reasonable. With cooking all day on Thursday, I was pooped on Friday night and even had to go to the cardiologist at 5. pm.(Storms and all)
Saturday we shopped and we found out in the paper that our house was open that afternoon so had to do a very quick cleanup as well.
Sunday we celebrated B.I.L Mick's birthday with breakfast at Nicholson's, that was really great and then in the afternoon we went to the football and yes, we won, what a nice change. We won welll but they had a disgusting First quarter.
All the appropriate photos are above.
My medical results were good, the heart is not showing any signs of desease or scarring, which is great, just some minor electrical problems. I had a cancer cut out of my face and the stitches came out yesterday. Although it was a basal carcinoma, Dr Hassan is almost sure he got it all and the report seems to indicate that too. So, more good news.