Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wellll,it was at the big house ,not the cubby house.
I do so get a feel-good feeling when we all get together as a family. Karen and Rick are going to KL and Penang next weekend and won't be here for Father's Day , so they arranged an early Fathers Day. Karen put on a real nice spread for afternoon tea ,which was enjoyed by all.Trev was spoiled with a huge box of vege garden goodies , put together by Gary, who has a great vegetable garden. he got some more from Rick & Karen and from all the kids together, he got a lovely slow cooker.All of this will be much appreciated and much used. We bought two large garden ,raised beds and Trev has spent the last week or so digging them in an dis now filling them with soil. He is enjoying it and we are looking forward to fresh garden vegies.
Two more pics of the birds .They now have a huge seed block and are actually staying around a bit when we move.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Birds at the Cubbyhouse
How is this!!?? Two entries in 2 days.
On the weekend Trev put up an old turned post that had been rescued from Jacquie and Frank's renovation. He attached a plastic pot plant plate and we put some fruit, jam and seed on it. The birds approached very gingerly at first but now they are allowing us to look at them from the window. We'll get some wild bird food and hope to increase the number of visitors.
Also had a visit from sister Nanny and niece, Denise, plus dog Angel.They seemed impressed with the Cubby House and Angel had a nice visit . She, Angel, nearly was booked to live here for a while but now that Bruce is definitely coming home and to a new job, she will stay with her own Mum and Dad.
First there was one and then there were two.
One is a 28 and two are a 56!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Cubby House Favourites
September is THE month for birthdays in this family.There is Jacquie, soon to be a Mum,next is Christopher and then Mikaela, Mary Porter,new to the family Rachel and Chelsea in the US. Next will probably be Kristy & Colin's new baby and then we get, all in a cluster,Olivia,Bruce, Nanny,Trevor, Adrie, and Michael. Scott not long after that on October 6th. Have a Wonderful Birthday Everyone!
Yes,our team did well for their last game at home.One radio announcer said, "Who were those players, pretending to be the Dockers and playing a marvellous game??"They pushed hard and won by some 52 points , I think. One game to go , let's hope they can duplicate this Sunday's game.
Hayden Ballantyne, a new Fremantle football club hero. Julie

Julie & Dan
Julie & Joh.

There have been a few Birthdays, VIV (Trev's sister) ,who is celebrating it in Bali, surprise, surprise!Also her granddaughter Jessica and cousin Cees , in Holland.Then there was Julie, THE important 21st , which, according to her facebook , she has been celebrating all week. Ave some great photos of her, Julie with boyfriend Dan and Julie and big brother, Joh. Gorgeous photos, pinched from her family.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Well here it is, finished and comfortable.Plants are mostly temporary ,until we have decided where they'll go and the vegie garden will go at the back, with the chooks,who will get an expanded abode.
Outside front right.
Outside front,left
Living/kitchen area from 3 different angles.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Willeton Cougars being spoken to and inspired by the assistant coach. It was their last match and Riley was listening . It seems they won by 2 points. Well done .We enjoyed going and checking out the memorabilia at the Melville Hawks football Club rooms because there were several of Scott and his friends and one even had Trev on it, when he was manager of Scott's team. I stand corrected, Canning Vale Cougars.
This is the little miniature dining room table in the Cubbyhouse. Hazla and John were our first official luncheon guests and as they are going to Holland and doing a cruise, we showed them our CD. Yes Goos, it worked. Showed all the other photos on the TV but would not show the cruise ones. However, I showed them on my laptop so HOORAY and thanks, Goos.
The boy is cooking tea , for I've been out all day, getting kids ready for school, Mah Jong (started off badly but picked up later) and pick up from school. Tonight to Karen's for a Book Look Party. Sorry but you still have to wait for pics of the finished Cubbyhouse. Bed was "unmade by someone and need to tidy a few bits so will try tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Renaming the Chookpen
I have decided that the Chookpen is no longer appropriate for our abode, it is a little too pretty for that and certainly does not look like a chookpen. We do have chooks behind the house , who deliver us 2-3 eggs every day and they are even getting to be normal size now.Hence, I will re-name the Chookpen, the Cubby House. and all news will now come from the Cubby House.
Have been minding Zoe for the past few days because she has to stay home. Has a dose of the 'flu and with the present day dangerous "flu strains ,it is not really the correct thing to send her to school. Besides,she really does not feel well enough to go to school.I have been doing some work on the computer and while having lunch, left it on and found the following photo on the screen when I returned.It is Zoe and Riley doing the 3D puzzle which Pop and I bought for Riley for his last birthday. I thought it was rather nice.It's amazing how even in those few months since the photo was taken,they both seem to have matured a lot.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Literally Eating in (near) the CHOOKPEN
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Not Long to go and the Chookpen will be complete.
I have finished the unpacking and have packed the things for a garage sale or E-Bay. Did really well with the sale of our coffee table, old sewing machine, cigarette stand and old irons. We now have security doors and fences start tomorrow.Washing line will be up tomorrow also. Have been hanging it on the wire fence around the caravan, like real gypsies . Have gradually removed the things that don't go in the caravan and soon we'll move that and give it a good clean. then, hopefully, we'll use it to go away. Inside I have actually done a few housewify things like vacume,clean bathroom, mirrors and cooked a krentebrood last week as well as several cakes and biscuits today. The study is just a cubbyhole , dominated by a big desk and several chests of draws because it is really the only storage space we have. I think some of my books may need to be sacrificed also, which is a shame but has to be. Photos soon.
For those whose birthdays were not announced on here, sorry, it is simply that I've been rushed.
Last ones were Madeleine, Mick, Travis and Andrea. Happy Birthday.
On Sunday we went to watch Riley play football. He did very well in the last half. Have some photos but they are on my phone and I still need to find out how to download them from my new phone. When I do, I'll add them.
Rick is teaching Bella to lunge the horse, Pixie. They run her at the end of a rope under controlled instructions. Pixie seems to be liking it a lot and Bella also seems a bit more keen. Pop says she was becoming more strict with the horse and we hope this will help her confidence.Bella also came top of her class in the last maths test, great and WELL DONE BELLA.
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