Floods in Queensland & NSW And Victoria and WA. Wa had some horrific fires too with much loss of property.
Next there was the earthquake which all but decimated central Christchurch in New Zealand. Many lives were lost.

The devastating earthquake and Tsunami with following radiation problems in Japan. Huge number of towns were just completely lost and sadly thousands died.It seems unbelievable that so much can be heaped upon one country.
Our darling Mac. RIP.

Life in West Australia is thankfully more liveable. We've had many records, hottest number of days, nights and longest spell no rain. most of us are now wishing for Autumn to arrive.
The new Foodhall in Perth
The old Forum Cafe now about 40 yrs old.
London Court, still an attraction.
The Mini Tornado rain bouncing off the caravan.
Parrots visiting at Net's
Boyup Brook Country Music Festival
Riley at cricket match
Now some tranquility and peace while house and cat sitting at Net & Gary's. They are in Tasmania, going on to Sydney to help Kristy with her house move. Although it has been hot,there is so much joy in the garden and the abundant wildlife. Caitlyn stayed with me last Saturday for a sleepover and that was nice.Would have asked the others but their weekends always seem to be so busy.