Quiz Night
Today we had aQuiz Night at the Village. I had made up the questions and Trevor Called them.It seemed to go alright but I may have been a little rusty as I had several questions queried, but further research proved that they were right and so was I. The worst was that I made a mistake in my adding and it meant a change in what were thought to be winners. But I guess we can't be perfect .
We also welcomed residents of 7 new houses to the village, 3of which, I was involved in ,the other 4 done by other pairs of the Welcome Committee. We find it enjoyable but it is time consuming,each house takes an hour plus the time in the club and having a cuppa.
Did not have to babysit Caitlyn today nor tomorrow as the other Nanna, Maureen has taken her for the 2 days. Wonder how Mummy and Daddy went without their baby at home?
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