The Eye has it
Had my operation on Tuesday and it all went very well. The anaesthetist would not give me a general, because of other problems, especially the sleep apnea. I was a bit worried about that. The Eye specialist said it was an intricate op. because the cataract was so big but he managed to clear it all without having to put in stitches.I was so pleased and so was the Dr on my followup visit on Wednesday.The worst problem is that I foreget I'm not supposed to bend down and I only remember when I AM bending down but... so far so good. I t has not worried me a great deal and I have continued with my normal activities.
We had our first meeting with the new Residents' Committee and we have not decided on the positions as yet as some people did not know each other. That is to happen next week.No babysitting so have had a chance to do some library work and a bit of research for the new Residents ' Committee.
Have got all the Xmas Pressies bought and wrapped and poems written ,I am a clever girl. Just wanted it finished because of the eye business. Have not written cards except the overseas ones so please be patient, They will happen.
I did take a picture of me with my patched eye but as usual, too many double chins so will put on one that looks like the view I had when the Dr was operating.
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