Saw one of our Residents looking under some of the lavender bushers,at a distance, yesterday ,as I was on my way out to the shops. Wound my window down & she said she saw a snake going in there!!!
Now, me and snakes just don't go, I am totally terrified of them to the point of acting totally out of character.
Shops only took 10 mins or so and as I had not seen the lady walk back to the office, I decided to stop & do so myself. To my horror, I saw it, (at least 1 1/2 meter long one), slithering towards a house(Kay's) so ran to office , no one there, rang the Managers, no-one answered.Panic, thought I'd have to find snakebusters myself and ring Kay, whose house it was going towards.A couple of the cafe workers were coming out & said they would tell Kay.
Finally found Jan, manager, who started to ring snake busters and as she is ringing, what do we see but Elaine, Kay's neighbour, chopping at the snake with a spade.!!! She killed it and had to clean up the mess while others stood by, including a couple of men. She deserves a medal as far as I'm concerned. A couple of people actually said, poor beautiful snake,was a harmless tree snake. I doubt it very much , this is dugite & tigersnake country and it was far too big. Going to make Elaine a merit certificate!!! Got our street party tonight, should be nice.
1 comment:
No summer gardening at our place then!!!!
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