the clubhouse.

& her

ZIRSC (Karen ,the Photographer)
Bella & Caitlyn

Just got an email from Nanny who said she likes looking at Karen & My blogs, so glad you enjoy them Ger said she does not have much time to look, a pity because that was the idea, I could update everyone in one foul swoop.It really does not take long and I look at Karen's nearly every day.
I am no longer at DODO for my emails so everyone please use my Arcadia address. I had a lot of trouble with them and then trouble disconnecting. Even now the idiots are still ringing me on their Indian call centre,,soooooo stupid.
Today had another get together with some of our highschool chums, that is twice in as many months . One of the girls could not come to the school's 50th Anniversary in December so her sister arranged this through one of the guys. There were some 12 of us there and we have decided that now we are getting older, we value this sort of thing more and should meet at least twice a year and encourage more of the others to come. It was a great morning, at the 'Left Bank "
Did not know Denise was cruising again, gosh they are really seasoned cruisers now. We are just happy we can do our short cruise and are off in 8 days. First I babysit Vicki & Trav's animals while they go to Melbourne.
Had our visit with Topol yesterday at Burswood Theatre. It was just so magnificent. We had the 4th row from the front and boy, could see every expression on his face. The man must be as old as we are!!( and that's old!!) We just love the Fiddler on the Roof.
As for the rest, some nice pics of the kids and alo Rose & Eddy's wedding. The lady with Travis and Vicki is Caitlyn's Nana. She thinks Caitlyn is a bit special too, Don't you Maureen????
Glad you enjoyed the Fiddler!
So did he take you out after!!?
Yes he did.
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