Almost like the old days in the 60's when we used to show our Labradors ( and tried to get them to do the right thing in the trials). They were good times. So just showing off a little because Rick & Karen have a new dog in their lives, Nova, who belonged to two radio announcers with Nova Radio station but because she was a few seconds too slow, was left to be ignored in the kennels. Then there is that beautiful miniature dachshund, Mac. Much admired by everyone ( except Travis and Rick because he barks at them) but all the people on my walk love him and everyone passing him in cars smile at him. Just look at him, it's no wonder. Early next month I'm minding Rick's dogs again while they go to Bali. There is also a pic. of the galas picking at the grass roots in the doggie oval , which is my shorter walk and caitlyn in the pram. She goes walking with me on Thursdays. Lastly, there is one of Friend Nick(on the left) who lives in Calgary, canada.
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