Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Trevor is 68

Yes, today we are the same age once again, it is Trev's birthday and I am cleaning up and packing up at Rick's because we have a 2 day holiday at the Sebel Hotel . I had already taken my sewing back home but did not realise one person could have so much stuff for 2 weeks. It did include some food & diet food though. I think I've only lost 1 1/2 kilos which was disappointing but I was naughty just a couple of times.
For Nanny's Birthday ,on Monday, we had a dim sum lunch at Melville, that was nice. Vicki & Kristy and their girls came too , apart from the 3 sisters and husbands.
I have this terrible feeling that I did not send Adrie a card, or did I?. Zo Adrie liefs en onze Hartelyke felicitaties voor je verjaardag. Heb de kaart van Trevor gekregen en bedankt. Je moet eigenlyk niet een zilvere pen gebruiken voor het address want by de tyd dat het hier komt is het moeilyk te lezen en ik denk dat ze daarom zoms niet aankomen. Deze werd zelfs in de verkeerde box gestopt, gelukkig wel by Arcadia. Have a good day also.Kan niet bellen want zyn dus weg.

It is not much use wishing the old boy happy birthday because he does not read these anyway.
Rick & Karen due back tomorrow.
We were going to try Mac "Home Alone as we had to call in for Rick's car tomorrow anyway but now it appears the painters are coming to paint the outside so he will have to go to Scott & Jo's.
Ok I'm off home.
Sorry about the huge space again, it is the Carla insert that causes it because it inserts multiple copies which I then have to delete but it leaves the space.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Found where Oi got out. Saw him blithely walking across the road and when I called him he came in where he'd gone out, right at the neighbour's corner on the right. Now I am a real country bumpkin, I have mended the fence. It now sports bits of wire and some gorgeous bright orange brickies rope. I sport cuts and scratches and bloodblisters. Hope the repairs hold. These blogs are really confusing, based on US time so it is Wednesday here, not Tuesday.

The walk that wasn't

The sun was shining this morning so after such a long spell of no walking decided to seize the opportunity before the clouds re appeared. Selected to walk south towards Mundijong . Half way

down the road......the sound of big feet and panting, I was being pursued. Not by a human but by the big boofhead,OI. Still don't know where or how he got out but that was the end of taking walks in the country. I think Rick needs to create a confined space, with plenty of room, so the dogs can be left safely,still with access to shelter.

The rest of the family is not faring too well. Scott is off work with the flu or bad cold. Caitlyn had the huge ulcers and now a cough. Made Mum Vicki get run down with lack of sleep, she now has a mouthful of ulcers. Trev is home with sore throat and coughing too. That always concerns me because he, in his wisdom, refuses to have the yearly flu injection. Last 2 weeks it was Zoe & Riley with conjunctivitus, I think that's enough now.

The birds are very noisy while the weather is still fine. Had a honey eater around the back varandah ,a parrot which was on a low branch out the front and let me approach without moving and there is plenty of chirping and fluttering around the trees. Such a shame I can't walk and see more . Mind you, by now clouds have just about covered the blue sky. The weather bureau (or the waterboard ) has just informed us that there will not be tougher water resrictions this year because the dams have filled considerably. One would think the Government would implement some strategies to save any excess water we get, for next year.I know we have the dams but perhaps some underground storage facilities`would prevent us losing so much to evaporation in summer.
I think most of us are now ready for a bit of Spring, yet we have more rain on the way.

Vicki started the Tony Ferguson diet, is being very good and lost some kilos already. We decided that I would try as well because stomach surgery is prohibitive, financially and can be a bit risky as well . This is not without its cost because though one saves on normal shopping, having to buy the sachets and lots of extra veges makes it more costly. It is just such a catch 22 situation. Anyway, if I lose weight in the next 14 days I'll continue, if not, I'll give up ever trying again. After all, I am 68 and apart from the health factor and the appearance factor, who really cares? My Doctor does but then she is tall, slim and beautiful. I guess there could be the time when my Grandchildren don't want to be seen with me! I hope not.Basically, I would like to lose enough so the bloody aeroplane seat belt fits and the tray table does not hit the stomach.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And then there are all the birthdays

Many ,many Happy returns with our Very Best wishes for Love and prosperity and Happiness most of all.

Bruce on the 23rd (thanks Denise for your nice mail and yes,will dogsitAngel any time)

Nanny on the 24th

Trevor & Adrie on the 26th (the terrible twins,one here and one in Holland)

Michael on the 27th,
Scott and Ryan (both a big O year) on the 6th

Geoff on the 13th of October (A VERY BIG O) and

Johari on the 14th (becomes a real adult)

What a wonderful bunch of people.


For any of you who have not read Rick and Karen's blog, have a read of it now. Rick has a very amusing style of writing and it is a bit of light entertainment as well as photos and lots of information about Bali. If you don't have their blog site, comment or email me and I'll pass it on.

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's access that makes it easier

Rick,Karen,Bella & Sarah have gone to Bali for a fortnight , with friends so Oma

has gone "country" to look after the two big dogs,Oi and Nova. Well, the first full day started `with having to take Oi to the vet with a case of kennel cough and infected tonsils. It was and still is my intention to be completely lazy while I am here, do the essentials only such as eat, make coffee, wash up, make the bed and for the rest, do embroidery, sewing bits for the village stall on the 14th of October and watch foxtel. Then I'll do lots of internet watching since I'll have constant access to a computer, I do miss not having internet at home but it does seem excessive when we are already paying for the village internet.Why not, the weather is lousy, wet and cold so not much else to do and we are certainly not complaining about these lovely rainfalls.
Trev kindly came over and chopped the wood into smaller pieces 'cause I could not get the fire going. Cleaned up the dog poopies while here, which I really appreciate,as I don't like that job,especially when my dog is only a little feller.
Zeg Ger & Goos, hoe was de vacantie? Was alles OK voor Chantal & Edwin ook?
As for the last month or so, I am getting too old to remember details but it seems to just be the usual routine, babysitting, village things like Mah-Jong, worked`at the cafe again and make a cake about every fortnight. Don't get on the computer much because it is a pain having to go to the club each time and the internet room is in the Library and it hurts to see it not functioning as well as when I ran it.( not showing off, it's a fact)
That date has just passed and it is certainly still a painful rememberance. I clearly remember sitting up in bed and seeing those planes fly into the twin towers and then Vicki running in telling me what was happening. Then a little later the Bali bombings and so on to Spain and LOndon. What a horrible piece of History that was and it affected everyone.
Much better to remember is that that date is also the anniversary of our arrival in this wonderful country, 55 years this year.
Trev,poor soul has not had a good time as he had a spur in his heel and has been having physio which seems to have improved it` a bit. The he got a sore throat and took a n anti-biotic he'd had for his infected toe and came up glowing and itchy because he reacted to it. He's OK now. I got the sore throat and
cold which makes life a bit hard because it makes it hard to use the CPAP
Riley and Zoe have had conjunctivitus so I've had them home from school.Caitlyn goes to childcare on Fridays and loves it( it is a home day care) while I still mind her Thursdays and Karen got another` day work at the Travel Agency (Jacquie's) and loves it.Jo has dropped Thursday's work because Scott got his promotion to Senior Sergeant in his own division which he got on merit so that was well done. The pay is better hence Jo's reduction in work. Makes it better for the kids and Oma does not have to jiggle the time any more on Thursdays.Well appreciated.
There is a huge space to the next Blog, I don't know how to take it out so sorry everyone.

That's it for today, that's