Yes, today we are the same age once again, it is Trev's birthday and I am cleaning up and packing up at Rick's because we have a 2 day holiday at the Sebel Hotel . I had already taken my sewing back home but did not realise one person could have so much stuff for 2 weeks. It did include some food & diet food though. I think I've only lost 1 1/2 kilos which was disappointing but I was naughty just a couple of times.
For Nanny's Birthday ,on Monday, we had a dim sum lunch at Melville, that was nice. Vicki & Kristy and their girls came too , apart from the 3 sisters and husbands.
I have this terrible feeling that I did not send Adrie a card, or did I?. Zo Adrie liefs en onze Hartelyke felicitaties voor je verjaardag. Heb de kaart van Trevor gekregen en bedankt. Je moet eigenlyk niet een zilvere pen gebruiken voor het address want by de tyd dat het hier komt is het moeilyk te lezen en ik denk dat ze daarom zoms niet aankomen. Deze werd zelfs in de verkeerde box gestopt, gelukkig wel by Arcadia. Have a good day also.Kan niet bellen want zyn dus weg.
It is not much use wishing the old boy happy birthday because he does not read these anyway.
Rick & Karen due back tomorrow.
We were going to try Mac "Home Alone as we had to call in for Rick's car tomorrow anyway but now it appears the painters are coming to paint the outside so he will have to go to Scott & Jo's.
Ok I'm off home.
Sorry about the huge space again, it is the Carla insert that causes it because it inserts multiple copies which I then have to delete but it leaves the space.
Sorry about the huge space again, it is the Carla insert that causes it because it inserts multiple copies which I then have to delete but it leaves the space.