The sun was shining this morning so after such a long spell of no walking decided to seize the opportunity before the clouds re appeared. Selected to walk south towards Mundijong . Half way
down the road......the sound of big feet and panting, I was being pursued. Not by a human but by the big boofhead,OI. Still don't know where or how he got out but that was the end of taking walks in the country. I think Rick needs to create a confined space, with plenty of room, so the dogs can be left safely,still with access to shelter.
The rest of the family is not faring too well. Scott is off work with the flu or bad cold. Caitlyn had the huge ulcers and now a cough. Made Mum Vicki get run down with lack of sleep, she now has a mouthful of ulcers. Trev is home with sore throat and coughing too. That always concerns me because he, in his wisdom, refuses to have the yearly flu injection. Last 2 weeks it was Zoe & Riley with conjunctivitus, I think that's enough now.
The birds are very noisy while the weather is still fine. Had a honey eater around the back varandah ,a parrot which was on a low branch out the front and let me approach without moving and there is plenty of chirping and fluttering around the trees. Such a shame I can't walk and see more . Mind you, by now clouds have just about covered the blue sky. The weather bureau (or the waterboard ) has just informed us that there will not be tougher water resrictions this year because the dams have filled considerably. One would think the Government would implement some strategies to save any excess water we get, for next year.I know we have the dams but perhaps some underground storage facilities`would prevent us losing so much to evaporation in summer.
I think most of us are now ready for a bit of Spring, yet we have more rain on the way.
Vicki started the Tony Ferguson diet, is being very good and lost some kilos already. We decided that I would try as well because stomach surgery is prohibitive, financially and can be a bit risky as well . This is not without its cost because though one saves on normal shopping, having to buy the sachets and lots of extra veges makes it more costly. It is just such a catch 22 situation. Anyway, if I lose weight in the next 14 days I'll continue, if not, I'll give up ever trying again. After all, I am 68 and apart from the health factor and the appearance factor, who really cares? My Doctor does but then she is tall, slim and
beautiful. I guess there could be the time when my Grandchildren don't want to be seen with me! I hope not.Basically, I would like to lose enough so the bloody aeroplane seat belt fits and the tray table does not hit the stomach.

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