80 % of Australians now celebrate Australia Day in some way. There are lots of flags on cars already and on some houses. We are going to breakfast with the family in Fremantle, will enjoy that and am glad that there is that feeling of pride in one's country now.

Andre Rieu and his violin
The huge stage setting (They have been to Toronto already)chandeliers and all.

Got up early this morning to take my doggy , Mac, for a walk . Trev said Mac was missing me so we had a very long walk and the walk was like Hay Street this morning,lots of dogs and people and lots of greetings and talks. Took me 2 hours almost. ( Yes, Travis and Vicki,I know he is just a dog and a sausage dog as well, but the best of the best).
Had a long session looking at Andre Rieu's website and others. There are even fans who devote most of their own websites to him. I could not go that far but certainly enjoy his music and the DVD's of his concerts. Could still get tickets in Melbourne for $99 but up in the gods of Telstra Dome and ofcourse does not include airfares.!!!!!!!!!There seem to be no bookings open for Adelaideas yet, or if there are ,can't see them. Perth was touted to be on the program on November 21st and also Dec. 1st but nothing has appeared as yet. Have also heard that tickets will be seriously expensive. When one reads his website and the number of containers it takes to put on the show, as well as the number of people to set it up and to perform, one wonders how many planes he charters? No wonder they say it will be expensive. It is amazing just to follow up on that.The girls I went to lunch with yesterday had not heard of him and I was amazed at that because I thought that by now everyone had. His latest album was the top album in Australia and when one reads the comments on his website his fans seem to encompass all ages, men and women and all nationalities. There are lots from Australia, indeed ,lots from Perth.
Our lunch was not the quality it used to be ,at Ramons,disappointing but we enjoy each other's company so we'll try somewhere else next time. Was quite costly as well e.g. $ 9.50 for a scoop of sorbet, some cream and flavouring!!! Same for cakes.
Picked five large cucumbers today off your vines ,Scott. Will have to take some to the Mah Jong girls tomorrownight as I can't eat them all on my own.Have to go back on Thursday evening as well. Our Social Club General meeting requires 50 % for a quorum and we did not have that last week, hope they do this time. 122 attendance is a big ask from old people.
Like the new look to the Blog!!
Awww, cute Dogs! Animals add so much to our lives. I will never be without pets. Love that Love.
André Rieu is on his way to Australia and you are right, he will be bringing his World Stadium Tour. I know all of OZ will give him a warm welcome, like they did when his promo tour was there last Sept.
You can see Photos & Stories on www.AndreRieuFans.com
Best of the Day and Kindest Regards, Sally :D
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