Thursday, March 27, 2008


Actually got our tickets yesterday, will distribute them as soon as we have a note out about the bus, too valuable to look after all of them. More excitement. Had my stress test, waiting for results but that does Not look exciting.
Have just read on Karen's blog that son Rick and his mate Shane are already in Kalgoorlie. They left here just after midnight on Monday (by plane) and picked up a horse truck to drive home. 3 days from Brisbane, that's crazy. I told him not to drive like an idiot but did he listen to his Mum??? No, ofcourse not.
There were 3 bushfires again yesterday. 1 North of the river still has road closures and includes loss of a local museum and some houses. One South ,now contained, near where I used to teach and 1 right in the city of Melville,on Wireless Hill. Such a pity as much wildlife will be lost,let alone the damage and threat of life to people. We saw the wireless hill fire from Garden city yesterday and the water helicopters were constantly flying over. I still wonder, as others do, if controlled burning in spring would prevent some of these fires? even if deliberately lit, there would be less to burn.

Birthdays I forgot,though I did send e-cards, were Hyung, Ilke and Hazla,hope you had happy days. Did I say Happy Birthday Frank? Well to anyone who 's had a Birthday, all the Best.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Trying out the Email

Minding the 4 eldest today. We have walked to the shopping centre ( to deposit all those hundreds of dollars for Andre Rieu Concert), had morning tea at McDonalds!!!!After lunch the kids had a good swim and now they are playing noisily. That’s OK. The rules are that all mess made is cleaned up and we walk away from arguments. I introduced the kids to some of the JSO and Andre’s music on U Tube. So far they are not totally impressed but they’ll get there.I am including a couple of photos from Scott’s collection.That did not work, at

least the ones I tried and I’ll try some different ways while you who look at this site put up with me.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I Won Again

This is Sarah's embroidery,from Oma.

Yes, the score of the day again, 15 700 this time. Other players are threatening not to play with me any more. Do I now deliberately lose games or go on hoping I might have a bad run? I think they forget that I have bad runs too. Well, I hope they don't really mean it.

Everyone I have spoken to so far is completely thrilled at getting a ticket to Andre Rieu and his Johan Straus Orchestra so sounds like it will be an exciting night. Here is Bella's embroidery, from Oma

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Pop and his sons, yes ofcourse Rick is pulling a face!!!
Displaying the loot,Bella & Sarah

Eggs galore to share

OOps ,she dropped it!

My Easter cake. Karen made a lovely choc.pav with easter eggs.

We celebrated a little early 'cause Vicki,Trav & Caitlyn were going to Albany. Lovely Barbecue dinner at their place . We had an egg & Spoon race wuth Oma's painted eggs and they blew bubbles. Then to the egg hunt , which was inside this time.Kids loved it, had lots of chocolate and Zoe even more because she won the Easter Raffle at school.

To update the Andre Rieu, we have managed to get 32 tickets for the people at the village, 4 people getting 8 each. We'll probably hire a bus to get us there and return us to the village. Great excitement and a long time to wait.

The weather is just beautiful here and also for the rest of the week , in the late 20's and early 30's. Trev is looking after Vicki & Trav's dogs. On Tuesday I am minding the 4 eldest grandies as they are still on holidays but their parents have to work.

Now the photos.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Andre Rieu

Great excitement, we managed to get 8 tickets for myself and 7 friends at the village. The only problem is that there are about 30 who want to go. Since Vicki got our lot, I was able to get 8 more for the next 8 in line, using my site but the President paid for the 2nd lot. So there will be 16 excited people in the village. Hopefully some of the other people who were looking for us , manage to get some tickets as well but I guess there may be some who will be disappointed.

On Monday I was the real champion at Mahjong. When counting the chips at the end of the day , I had over 19 000. Not bad when the number to pass for a special chocolate is 17 000. I was quite thrilled.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dinner at Bella's Farm

The dogs want IN

The Goose named Goose

FAMILY on the back porch

Zoe & Caitlyn

Bella & Caitlyn


Riley Bella


Caitlyn & Uncle Scott

We had a lovely meal at Rick and Karen's last nigh and celebrated the fact that Scott & Jo and Rick & Karen have together, bough a 50 % share in Allied Travel. Very exciting for them as normally our family is very cautious but the agency has now been going for some 30 years and is doing well so we wish them all good luck and keep the business coming their way

The kids had extra excitement because they were allowed to ride the tactor lawnmower that Rick had there to mow his lawn.

Rick will be going to Queensland after Easter with a friend to pick up his friend's horsetruck so some extra babysitting there . Vicki going South for the Easter long weekend so Trev is babysitting their dog. We will have our family dinner and Easter egg hunt at Vicki & Travis's place on Good Friday. Another thing to look forward to.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Caitlyn Day

Kisses for Oma

Caitlyn often asks to go to "Your House" or " the Village " and see Pop and Mac so yesterday I took her home. We had a nice day as we had to go to the travel agency to see Karen after we had morning tea at the Waterways Cafe here We came back and had lunch at the foodhall here. She had chips and nuggets but is not really interested in nuggets. We spent the afternoon on my bed watching telly and trying to get her to sleep but she was not at all interested in that, she seems to be getting away from the afternoon sleep. Then at 5.20 she suddenly decided she would go to sleep. Luckily her Mum & Dad decided to buy tea on the way to picking her up so she had a good 1 1/2 hours.

The photos show her relaxing in her seat in the back of the car, playing with Mac and wearing the Dockers hat.She really is very photogenic.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Family Chat

Had a little chat with Ger last night, ( oh yeh, well over an hour !), she was paying but they do get cheap overseas calls. Jan & Adrie often also ring. Well, today they sent an invite to their barbecue on the 28th of June for their 35th anniversary. Told them I'd come but the busses and trains don't go that far.

Ger & Goos did say to say hello to all our kids so , since I always forget, I'm saying Hello to you now. The whole lot of them there are going on a great variety of Holidays, Turkey & Chech Republic for Goos & Ger.Also to Limburg and another caravan weekend with their cousins. Chantal & husband to Egypt and later Borneo. Neils to Turkey and I think Sas & Hyung also. Those two are also going to a wedding in Canada for 5 days and I think Spain. Forgotten any others. Hard Life eh?

It seems that Hyung and Saskia will be getting married in May next year, that's nice news also.

Well I wonder if Ger might actually look at my blog one day because she normally does not but their invitation to the Anniversary barbecue had a photo of them both and they really look so nice so here it is.
Happy Birthday for last Saturday to INA and this week it is Frank's turn.
There are also all those Anniversaries,earlier and still to come, naming the female only, Nanny, Net, Ina, Denise and Vicki. Happy Anniversary all of you.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Twice in two weeks

Well, went out to lunch on Friday , which makes it twice in two weeks, eating out. It was Ina's birthday so we celebrated this time by going to Kelly's Cafe at the All Palms nursery. Trev and I had called in there recently but it seemed expensive so we did not eat there. However, there were some reeasonably priced lunches and all bar mine were of acceptable size and they were well presented.It seeems very popular with many diners there . Since we all treat ourselves to sweets on these occasions, we were in for a bit of a shock, $ 7.00 for a piece of cheesecake. That means, if our cafe charged that for the Toblerone cheesecake I made this week, they would have profitted by $51.00. Yeh,Wish !!!! However, it was nice, the setting is lovely as well and..............we had some rain on the day.
The pictures do not do justice to the birthday girl since the light seems to have reflected into the camera. One is Sheila, Ina & Val and the other is myself, Ina and Val.
Family wise, this was the day Caitlyn found sticking a popcorn up one's nose is fun!!!!
Her Mum, Scott & I having some tests, nothing serious we hope but precautionary so waiting for results.The weather in low thrities so nice. Then, life just goes on.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Some Nice Times

We had some nice times , On Saturday night we were invited to dinner with Viv & Mick and Gordon & Jenny Mahr and went to Araluen, a resort golfcourse in the Perth Hills and we had a wonderful dinner. The presentation of the food was superb and the food tasted wonderful as well.Plenty of kangaroos on the golfcourse. Took pics on the way home but was too dark. Thanks Viv & Mick.
Yesterday went to say Goodbye to the QE 2 . She was on her last voyage to Australia and after returning to the US will be sailed to Dubai in about November to be used as a floating hotel.
Went into town to get some lunch and found a couple next to us could not get drinks because they only had American dollars so we bought them a drink. We ended up taking them for a drive along the Swan river,through Perth and back. Sarah and Charles enjoyed it very much and so did we.

The yellow and blue ship is the something or other Voyager which has recently returned from the Antarctic, gathering evidence for a possible legal challenge i n the International Court against the Japanese Whalers. Hope the Government goes through with that and hope they are succesful in their bid.

the ???Voyager (with Maritime Museum at the back)

QE 2 alongside

QE2 from overhead bridge

QE 2 from North wharf

Fremantle Mall
The Old Warders cottages in Fremantle