Well, went out to lunch on Friday , which makes it twice in two weeks, eating out. It was Ina's birthday so we celebrated this time by going to Kelly's Cafe at the All Palms nursery. Trev and I had called in there recently but it seemed expensive so we did not eat there. However, there were some reeasonably priced lunches and all bar mine were of acceptable size and they were well presented.It seeems very popular with many diners there . Since we all treat ourselves to sweets on these occasions, we were in for a bit of a shock, $ 7.00 for a piece of cheesecake. That means, if our cafe charged that for the Toblerone cheesecake I made this week, they would have profitted by $51.00. Yeh,Wish !!!! However, it was nice, the setting is lovely as well and..............we had some rain on the day.
The pictures do not do justice to the birthday girl since the light seems to have reflected into the camera. One is Sheila, Ina & Val and the other is myself, Ina and Val.
Family wise, this was the day Caitlyn found sticking a popcorn up one's nose is fun!!!!
Her Mum, Scott & I having some tests, nothing serious we hope but precautionary so waiting for results.The weather in low thrities so nice. Then, life just goes on.
Hope someome took a picture of her!!!
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