All little red kangaroos, now white kangaroos, sitting in a row!
Yesterday Trev, Rick and I attended the council meeting at the Shire and...yes...our building application was approved so things should be all a go in a week we guess.Andy has already pegged the site, the sign is on the fence and we have the instructions for the earthworks for Matthew.We were required to make an extra payment of $450 to the council. I asked them to qualify why this was required and was just told that that is what they charge if a plan has to go to council! What a useless lot of people these councillors are. Most of them old,which did nothing towards the standing of the elderly.They made the silliest objections to some of the other applications so we were getting a bit edgy but we had decided not to make statements.Ours looked like going through without objections until one doddering old fellow decided to air his views on the fact that it was a transportable and that old and second hand transportables were often of unacceptable standards.ALL our plans were ther for them to see, including the fact that it was to be newly built!!!!That started a flood of great ideas such as did it have proper insulation, should we have more access because of more cars being used (have you seen the access to some GROUP housing????),the trees having been cut down ( wanted to invite them to have a look at the companion tree in the block behind us, which, like most eucalypts, not only dropped a branch in the wind last week but dropped the whole of the huge tree!!!!)They insisted on a landscaping clause ( my God, after Melbourne , have they not learned ANYTHING about trees close to homes???) Thank Goodness for the Government Representative , sent there to keep them on track, which he did eventually and we were passed.
What a strange land we live in. We are still coping with the news of more deaths and terrific material losses in Victoria and now the North of the country in WA here and Queensland is under water. If only previous Governments had got stuck into harnessing all that summer deluge for watersupply for the rest of the country. I think those ideas of piping it down are probably not economical any more but then again, no more expensive, in proportion, to the old days I guess.

The latest photo of my boy Mac, the look of contentment.
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