Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Place called Dordrecht and real Dutch surrounds,the Fowls on tour.

Today we drove to DORDRECHT a town not far from Rotterdam. It was pleasant, if not spectacular. More so was the countryside we drove through, typically Dutch villages and countryside. Another very enjoyable day.
Three different windmills.
Inner Harbour
Fishstall at the Market
Just around the corner from here,Dahlia Straat 19, the house where I was born,OMG 70 years ago.
Tulips for my Birthday,they started at vase height.
Anna's Hoeve , where my grandmother used to serve tea.


Anonymous said...

annashoeve looks like it still has not been restored, I do hope they don't knock it down during our lifetime , it is part of our heritage. We had our reunion there a couple of years ago.

Anonymous said...

The weather looks great, better then here Hi to all today Love nanny