Sunday, May 09, 2010


Bella had atupperware party for her birthday. They had egg & spoon race, pass the parcel and then cooked burgers. They were given lovely aprons & chef's hats. It was certainly something different and the kids enjoyed it while the adults enjoyed seeing the kids enjoying themselves. Ofcourse it was the adults that did the buying but it was a great day. Jellybean & spoon race.

The cooks

Today was Mothers Day and I was so spoiled. No breakfast in bed, up most of the night because Trev was sick again. I am worried as to what is wrong but he is so stubborn & won't go to Dr. Always wants to wait to see what tomorrow brings.We went to Riley's footbal, he does not start early now so had a nice time with great weather and Riley did very well , getting 4 goals 1 point.
Rley, Zoe
The family fans.


Anonymous said...

Carla, was it a real tupperware party with a tupperware lady??? It looks great and so different.Love Nanny

Anonymous said...

Your trip to vietnam was certainly different. i see what you mean regarding pverty but it has some beautiful places.Trevor be craeful of the seafood. Nanny xxxx

Anonymous said...

Gee I made a mess of the last one, next time I will check the spelling first!!!!

The Main Branch said...

Yes it was a REAL party. Just ask my bank manager!