Our beloved Dockers,doing so well, won again last week but was not well played.

Yummy curry pie,lunch with the kids at Byford bakery

Riley happy here but stacked his bike on our walk and now has injured hands.

Cohuna Wild Life park. Free tickets thanks to Mac being dog of the week in the Local paper.

So cute.

Caitlyn turned 5 at the end of June.Such a big girl now.

Helping Pop plant vegetables while Sam looks on.

Mac loves Caitlyn, indeed all the kids.

Caitlyn gets an Endeavour Certificate at 1st Semester Assembly at school.
Ina ,Lorraine & Pam at my favourite game, Mah Jong. Monday mornings, back at the village,

Trev & Mac, in the sun room, now the cold room.

Rliey learns welding from Uncle Rick

While at Oma's for a belated B'Day lunch, the girls give Pixie a treat.

Trev & his old Clipsal Mates at Errol's retirement function.
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