No great events happening basically,babysitting. The house was one that the daughter of Rick's neighbour had transported to a block on a farm near Harvey, a small town about 100 Km from here. The men helped the Electrical Contractor, Charlie ( a friend & client of Trev's ) do the connection, so that she could have it done for almost nothing.
Scott, Jo & the kids went back to Kalgoorlie to see baby Anna and for a memory trip . Had some great photos of the superpit, which I could not save so I'll check with the kids why not and try again. Nice pic. of Jo and Zoe and Riley in front of the superpit though.
Then we had our new Waterways Cafe open this week , it is now run by the residents and went quite well this week. Hope it continues to be a success as it would be great to have a cafe again. Their prices are really affordable and my Dutch appeltaart was a great success and the most popular, so they tell me anyway.Nice though.
The girls all had "Nutrimetics" parties because Kelly has taken up a distributership to help her study income.The three of them can now also be home shoppers which means they will get their stuff cheaper. Nutrimetics is an Aussie cosmetic Co and it is a very nice product.
We have had a little rain these past few weeks, some very cold days also, one night dipping to - 1 1/2 degrees!!!! and day temperatures as low as 12 and 13 degrees. But still, nowhere near the amount of rain we need.
With Israel and the surrounding Arab States trying to blast each other off the earth again, we have once more world tensions and increased prices. Just what is wrong with people and Governments?? The majority of people don't want all these horrors to happen, either at home or further away and still they do. How can these minorities terrify the world so much? It seems so unbelievable.I guess it is no different from the people who kill innocent citizens and innocent children at home. Sick, sick.