Now There are Two
The West Australian police force are very lucky to have two great young men in their midst. Yesterday Rick rang to say he got his promotion to sergeant and Scott, who is already a sergeant, is waiting to be offered a position as Senior Sergeant. (he is "acting "at the moment). We are very proud of our two sons and congratulate them both.
Have had a few extra babysits with Zoe & Riley this week because of the holidays but Bella & Sarah were minded by their dad. They'l come on Monday as well because Bella has a pupil free day.
Met up with my friends from East Waikiki (the Wacky Group) for coffee on Friday at the Dutch Windmill. That is always most enjoyable.I have to organise the next one . Will have to think of something unique and enjoyable.Suggestions are welcome but Cananda or U.S. or Holland or Xmas Island are no good, too far away. Somewhere in Fremantle area is most desirable or between Freo and our area I suppose.
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