This is James, at my '20 minutes to go 'spot. He is very old but dearly loved by his owner.Underneath, Burslem Bridge, across the Canning River with our village to the right in the background.

A lovely rainbow over the white gums and above the morning sun on a stand of eucalypts
Typically the Aussie river view, paperbark, a young palm and eucalypts.
Firstly Royal St Bridge,I pass over then under, very old above but so solid underneath
Whenever I get the opportunity I go walking early in the morning. I often think I should bring my camera because there are some very peaceful,interesting and for people who don't know Australia, typical sights.This morning, the kids were arriving a bit late so I walked and I actually remembered my camera . So.... what happened? It was still too dark for a lot of the photos. I left before 7 and the sun does not rise till well after. Such a pity because for the first time I saw TWO spoonbills with a white heron and another spoonbill on its own. I photographed them but they were too dark. Bet I won't see one of them next time I bring the camera and it is lighter!!!So I'll postwhta I hope will give some idea of why I just LOVE my morning walk.My pedometer says it is 6 km but I think it is a bit less because I take quite small steps.Here goes.
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