Thursday, November 27, 2008

New things

Subiaco Oval was too small for Schonbrun,or at least, it had no doors to bring it through but we did have the horses and coach and pipers and dancers and scaters.
She sang Botany Bay
Mirusia(?,the Aussie Angel)
The dancers
The man himself
The stage,the people,the screen
This is the first blog on my new laptop. Swore I'd never have one but after all, it seems the best way for me to go as Rick and Vicki both have wireless internet. Ofcourse I can't print out or anything like that but that will come when my stuff is unpacked.
House is still going far too slow and the builders seem to have little communications between offices. Threre will be no trouble once it gets on it's slab, Rick's friend Andy Mollan will see to that. It is all these preliminaries that are giving us the heeby jeebies
Got a Ford Falcon to pull the caravan, we are picking up the van tomorrow. We also have Michael and Kasha's engagement party in the evening. MUch Love and great Happiness to those two.
Saturday is busy too. After grocery shopping, we go to Scott & Jo's to mind their kids and I will be having dinner with the Cafe girls from Arcadia Waters. It is our Thank You dinner.Trev & I will sleep at Canning Vale. Vicki & Travis were informed that CaITLYN HAS GOT AN ENTRY INTO THE pRIVATE SCHOOL HERE , SUBJECT TO AN INTERVIEW. They are tickled pink, ofcourse. I have taught them to play Mah Jong and they are already able to pick out and change games during play and are beginning to beat me!!!!!!!
Let's see how the pics from Andre Rieu's Concert come up, it was too far away but with the large screens it was not too bad. Some people felt it was too expensive for the seats we got for our money. Maybe it was but it was a wonderful show and the music was superb.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Day has come

Well the day has come that Andre Rieu will play to us West Australians and......believe it or not, it is RAINING. Here he is at Subi Oval checking the sound.
We also won't have the Schonbrunn Replica because they could not get it in, it seems,as Andre said, they forgot to build a door. Although disappointing, I'm sure it will be wonderful to watch , if only that BLOODY rain will go away.
Well,wish us good luck!!!!
We bought a caravan and may even go and live in that and go away every now and then, get it next Friday.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Just the Littlest progress

At this stage the only house we are going to see is that of other people. Sad but true. We actually went to our pre-start meeting yesterday with TR Homes's, Sam Fisher. A lovely young lady but we have not even gone to council yet. When it finally does go in, it could be up to 6 weeks to get the building permit. Then 1-2 months to order the materials and then they start. I don't think I would have agreed to any of this had I known. I hate imposing on people and hate living without my own THINGs (and there are plenty of them). But each time I want something, it is either packed somewhere or I can't remember where it is. The imposition is the worst of it, I guess ,but also the uncertainty. I haven't even got my own computer, but am thinking of rectifying that. Trouble is running that idea past the old boy , who is not at all computer friendly. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Zoe, she is 11 tomorrow. Matthew also but he is only 32.
And here our own gesture to acknowledge Xmas, Father Xmas hanging on our bedroom door
W ithChristmas tree set up now, a little early but Caitlyn had been making decorations with her mum and she was such a good girl that Vicki decided last night was just right. It is pretty, all red and gold and Caitlyn is very thrilled.
Mac can't be friends with Travis for some reason and the feeling is mutual. It's a pitty really.
The other day missy Caitlyn came home from daycare , full of vim and wearing the Indian maiden hat she had made.Here she is .

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Busy Times

Strawberry bath anyone?
I have just put on the Morrocan Lamb chops and we'll have prawn cocktails,my turn to cook. The week has been a very busy one with mostly things concerning the unit. Monday I was ready to throw it all in, Tuesday we were ready to buy a caravan and disappear down into the never never.Paperwork and Council problems plus having to find a plumber able to connect to Rick's own sewerage system ,is not making things easy.Today went to fill orders for strawberries for the village. The strawberry farms are along a road near here. Ever seen a bath full with 22 kg of fruit???
Yesterday the "Wackie" Girls met at Hazla and John's appartment on the Rockingham foreshore, the boys came too. This is their view, Garden Island in the background.
Looks almost like a cemetry but is the path to nowhere .
Lo0k hard on the dead branches in front of another branch
So ... I walk , still but only 1/2 or 3/4 of an hour because there just is very little area to walk where Mac can get off the lead. Plenty of bush but not the place to walk especially as it is mostly marshland and will be full of snakes. There is a path there and I also walk the path along the freeway but that has a lot of bike riders.My degenerating back is also deteriorating more so not quite so easy to do the long distances.Here's the walk path and another with black cockatoos which decided to drop a gumnut just near us this morning.There is also a long row of new plantings that runs along the path to nowhere into the bush sanctuary.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Another week

A week later and we are back at Vicki & Travis's. Mac loved it at Net's because he could come in and out as he wished and he does like to do that and sit in the sun occasionally.A break was good for us and them. We have had a busy week seeing the builders,selecting tiles and signing papers for shire approval so hope something will take off soon.Have also bought the new fridge/freezer and dishwasher already with storage at Rick & Scott's . A new store just opened near Scott's and we took advantage of the opening sales. My phone photos follow, the best I can do until I have my own computer and can install my camera to that. ( In the meantime thanks to my family for letting me use their computers.)It is quite a mixture and goes back as far as Jacquie's birtday party on August 30th Have labelled them and hope the labels stay with the right photo. If not, have fun figuring them out!!! Checking in to go to Phuket They've all had photos like this Our new car
Trev,Poor Pop always waiting
Very wet dads
Very wet kids at Dreamworld
All the kids in Cinderellas coach at Dreamworld
Halloween Queen
Cutting down the trees where our house is going to be
Two Young ladies at morning tea,Anna & Caitlyn
She just flew in from Kalamunda,that,s why she's sideways
Jacquie's 40th Birthday at Fremantle Jail,the Branches,lost souls
Tulips at Melville Garden Centre Restaurant