
I have just put on the Morrocan Lamb chops and we'll have prawn cocktails,my turn to cook. The week has been a very busy one with mostly things concerning the unit. Monday I was ready to throw it all in, Tuesday we were ready to buy a caravan and disappear down into the never never.Paperwork and Council problems plus having to find a plumber able to connect to Rick's own sewerage system ,is not making things easy.Today went to fill orders for strawberries for the village. The strawberry farms are along a road near here. Ever seen a bath full with 22 kg of fruit???
Yesterday the "Wackie" Girls met at Hazla and John's appartment on the Rockingham foreshore, the boys came too. This is their view, Garden Island in the background.
Lo0k hard on the dead branches in front of another branch

So ... I walk , still but only 1/2 or 3/4 of an hour because there just is very little area to walk where Mac can get off the lead. Plenty of bush but not the place to walk especially as it is mostly marshland and will be full of snakes. There is a path there and I also walk the path along the freeway but that has a lot of bike riders.My degenerating back is also deteriorating more so not quite so easy to do the long distances.Here's the walk path and another with black cockatoos which decided to drop a gumnut just near us this morning.There is also a long row of new plantings that runs along the path to nowhere into the bush sanctuary.
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